# MOS质谱数据规范

# DataType

value type unit def
1 MS:1000514 m/z array 64-bit float [MS:1000523] m/z [MS:1000040] "A data array of m/z values." [PSI:MS]
2 MS:1000515 intensity array 64-bit float [MS:1000523] cps [MS:1000814] "A data array of intensity values." [PSI:MS]
3 MS:1000821 pressure array 64-bit float [MS:1000523] pascal [UO:0000110] "A data array of pressure measurements." [PSI:MS]
4 SWIFT array 64-bit float [MS:1000523]

# data

The actual binary data. The byte order is always 'little endian'.

# data zlib compression

The actual zlib compressed binary data. The byte order is always 'little endian'.

# binary

The actual base64 encoded binary data. The byte order is always 'little endian'.

# binary zlib compression

The actual base64 encoded zlib compressed binary data. The byte order is always 'little endian'.

# binaryDataArray

Data point arrays for default data arrays (m/z, intensity, pressure) and meta data arrays. Default data arrays MUST not have the attributes 'arrayLength' and 'dataProcessingRef'.

# binaryDataArrayList

List of binary data arrays.