# Spectrum

# Spectrum Definition

Spectrum 是表示质谱数据的基本数据结构,是一次扫描(Scan)的结果。由于需要支持双离子阱设备(多谱),所以一般来讲一次扫描的结果是一个 Spectrum Vector。


对于内部叠谱(average)来说,一次扫描的结果是 Spectrum Vector。
对于外部 analysis 叠谱 (average) 来说, 多次扫描的结果是 Averaged Spectrum Vector。

# Spectrum Data

value type unit def
1 m/z array double m/z "A data array of m/z values."
2 analog intensity array double volts "A data array of intensity values."
3 counting intensity array double counts "A data array of intensity values."
4 cps intensity array double cps "A data array of intensity values."
5 pressure array double torr "A data array of pressure measurements during scan."

# Space charge effect checking


# Baseline Height (using top-hat - base line tic)

该方法受Baseline Filter的影响较大,如果采用top-hat滤波后,该方法大概率失效

# Calculate TIC

compute the total ion count (sum of all points' cps intensities)

# Smoothing

# Baseline Filter

# CPS Merge

# Noise Estimation

# Find Peaks (Find local maxima)

the peak vector witch return by findpeaks(), index number marked by the order of cps intensities DESC.
port from OpenMS

# Base Peak

the peak with the highest intensity. If the peak is not unique, the first peak in the container is returned.